HR InTouchThe Monthly Newsletter of the Greater Madison Area SHRM |
In This EditionPresident's Message By Dawn Koopman, SHRM-SCP, SPHR Government Affairs 2016 Day on the Hill Recruiting Employee Relations Solutions for Supporting Breastfeeding Employees in the WorkplaceGMA SHRM Social Media GMA SHRM Announcements GMA SHRM Student Scholarship Award Winners
GMA SHRM Member News
What a great year for GMA SHRM and our members! Before we move forward into 2016, I’d like to reflect on a few of our accomplishments for 2015. • We celebrated our 10th annual Human Capital Conference in May.• We joined WISHRM for the first Wisconsin Day on the Hill event at the State Capital. • We completed our 4th annual Job Boot Camp, partnering with the Urban League and United Way. • We had our 5th annual September Strategic Summit. • We were a finalist for a SHRM Pinnacle award for our Job Boot Camp. • We ended a very successful two-year philanthropic partnership with Reach-A-Child. 2016 promises to bring many great events and exciting changes as well:
Click here to view the full GMA SHRM Board of Directors
Save the Date – 2016 Day on the Hill!WI SHRM is currently planning the 2nd annual Day on the Hill in Madison. This all day event will take place on April 6, 2016 at the Madison Concourse Hotel with an evening networking event on April 5, 2016. The event provides a great opportunity for you to advocate on behalf of the HR profession and to learn more about the political process. The day will start with an employment law update, other educational topics and training on how to conduct a meeting with your local legislator. Registration will be opening soon and additional details can be found at: http://www.wishrm.org/2016-Day-on-the-Hill Close Examination Of The Employment RelationshipSubmitted by Bob Gregg, Boardman & Clark Employment Group Employers: Go Big or Go HomeBy George Blomgren, January Professional Development Seminar PresenterIn 1989, when I entered the workforce, it never would have occurred to me to look for an employer who shared my values. I was simply looking for a paycheck and (if I really lucked out) a job I didn’t hate. Today’s job seekers are very different. The millennials, who are born researchers, are very much about WIIFM (“what’s in it for me”). And alignment with an employer who shares their values is very important to many of them. But not just millennials. As the talent pool dries up, today’s job seekers can afford to be more selective. And top job seekers of all generations are embracing this new reality. They want to know how you invest in employees and the things that matter to them. The two obvious ways for employers to tap into this are as rare as they are obvious. One, stake a claim. Stand for something -- embrace and articulate noteworthy values. Avoid the obvious ones, like excellent customer service or integrity. First of all, there’s no WIIFM there. Second, these are what author Patrick Lencioni calls “pay to play” values -- it goes without saying that you (and every other company out there) embrace these values. Two, and again as rare is it is obvious, boldly articulate your values. Start on your website (after all, it's where 84% of job seekers say they start their research). Of the last 10 websites I reviewed, here's what I saw with respect to their careers sections:
Employee Relations Solutions for Supporting Breastfeeding Employees in the WorkplaceWritten by Laura Berger RN, Public Health Nurse and board member of the Breastfeeding Coalition of South Central Wisconsin (www.bcscw.org ) lberger@publichealthmdc.com until 1/15/16 or thebcscw@gmail.comShortly after the 2010 FLSA rule requiring workplace accommodation for breastfeeding employees, the Office of Women’s Health launched an initiative to learn from business and business associations about the barriers for employers in implementing the law. The Office on Women's Health (OWH), part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), spoke with 163 business representatives from 28 states representing all regions of the US in 21 of the 22 SHRM job categories. The only sector not consulted was in mining. SHRM was one of the strongest partners in this project, providing invaluable input based on broad and in depth experience with employee concerns. Many employers made it clear, however, that they need solutions on how to make it work. Finding space for expressing breastmilk is often particularly complicated. As a result of the collaborative effort between the Office on Women’s Health and SHRM and others, a website was launched in 2014 that provides advice and specific ideas for employers on how to comply with requirements to provide breastfeeding support for employees who are also nursing mothers. In 2015 updated “solution sheets” and resources were added for over 20 industries, including manufacturing and retail. Check out http://www.womenshealth.gov/breastfeeding/employer-solutions/index.html . Information on local breastfeeding support and information can be found at http://publichealthmdc.com/family/breastfeeding/ The Breastfeeding Coalition of South Central Wisconsin has identified numerous locations where a breastfeeding employee who is not at a central worksite can find places in the community to pump breastmilk. http://bcscw.wildapricot.org/Pumping-Friendly-Sites If you would like to consult regarding your specific workplace challenges to breastfeeding accommodation issues, feel free to contact Alison Dodge. As a business owner and lactation professional she can help you think through solutions. alisoncdodge@gmail.com With creative thinking, flexibility, and teamwork most challenges can be overcome. GMA SHRM Social Media Forward HR Want to know what’s going on in HR for the other areas of Wisconsin? WI SHRM has a new blog, Forward HR. Click here to take a look. GMA SHRM Announcements
GMA SHRM Student Scholarship WinnersCongrats to our two student scholarship finalists! They are UW Madison student Jaclyn Zavoral, and UW Whitewater Student Amy Loose. Help Wanted!The 2016 WISHRM Student HR Games will be held March 11 and 12, 2016 at Lakeshore Technical College in Cleveland, WI (just south of Manitowoc). Volunteers will be needed - save the date now - more information to come in January! Questions? Please contact: Matt Nechodom, SHRM-CP, PHR, CIR, College Relations Director, mnechodo@amfam.com or 608-242-4100, ext. 38692 or Ashly Woosypiti, SHRM-CP, PHR, College Relations Director Elect
January 19, 2016 - GMA SHRM Professional Development SummitSession 1: Equity in the Workplace - Bias in Recruiting and Retention Session 1: Equity in the Workplace - Bias in Recruiting and Retention Session 2: Rethinking Recruiting ● Forget about job postings and sourcing. It’s all about talent attraction. ● Why it’s time to stop looking for technical skills and experience. ● Retention is the new recruiting. ● Why you need to stop recruiting and turn your employees into recruiters. ● How big data has discredited some of our most common “sacred cow” beliefs. More information... GMA SHRM Member News GMA SHRM Member Spotlight![]() Where do you currently work? Attic Angel Place – Independent Living, Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing and Rehab. Facility What is the focus of your position? Recruitment and onboarding How long have you been in the Human Resource field? 15 + years Which of your career accomplishments makes you proudest? I have enjoyed a career that has spanned private, non-profit and publically held companies. This gives me a diverse background with different experiences to draw from which I have been able to incorporate into other areas of my career. Most recently, I fulfilled a career long goal of getting into the high school classroom and teaching students about resume writing and interviewing all while getting our company name out in the community. It has been a lot of fun and completely rewarding when I hear that a young person has used something they heard from me in the interview they just had. What is the best advice you’ve ever received? My college advisor suggested I consider HR since I was not planning to go on for an advanced Psychology degree. Best decision I ever made. Why did you decide to join GMA SHRM? Build my network of area HR professionals and to get better involved in the community. GMA SHRM Volunteer Spotlight![]() Position: Director of Human Resources Organization: Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, Morgridge Institute for Research, WiCell and WiSys How long have you been volunteering with GMA SHRM? I’ve been volunteering for over five years. What committee are you volunteering with? Have you volunteered on other committees? If yes, which one? The Workforce Readiness and Development Committee. What do you enjoy about volunteering? I enjoy helping people gain the confidence and resources to be successful in our community. I think everyone should have the skills and opportunity to apply and interview for jobs. As HR professionals we have these talents to share, not only in our organizations to build and attract talent, but also help strengthen the community. Working as part of the WRDC has been inspiring to see the impact of our work, but also learn about other organizations, talents, and resources within SHRM and Madison. What would you say to others who are considering volunteering with GMA SHRM? Do it! It’s a great opportunity to meet others in HR, share best practices, and be part of positive change. I know we are all stretched for time, but even what may feel like a small contribution may make a big difference to others. What have you gotten back from volunteering with GMA SHRM? Satisfaction of knowing I’ve helped others by sharing my expertise, meeting new people, and learning how to look at things from a fresh and different perspective. By volunteering with GMA SHRM, I was able to learn about the Literacy Network and now serve as their board president. This is a great organization which helps adults grow their health, financial, and job related literacy skills. Through this experience I’ve been introduced to new community resources and new people, but also use the skills I’ve gained by this opportunity in my HR role too. If you’d like to be published in an issue of HR InTouch, please complete this profile and submit (along with a photo) to Brittany Hanson @ bhanson@theedgewater.com Welcome New Members!GMA SHRM welcomes the following members who joined our chapter in November 2015!
Return to Top Movin' UpHave you started with a new company? Has your organization recently promoted you to a new position? Or do you want to recognize a new person or promotion within your department? If so, we want to hear about it. Send us an e-mail, and we’ll publish your good news in the next HR InTouch!
In Transition
HR InTouch GuidelinesArticle Writing: Do you have an interest in writing for the HR InTouch? We have an interest in learning more about your area of expertise! Why should you volunteer? Top three reasons: 1) to share your knowledge and experiences to educate others; 2) to become more connected in the HR and Dane County communities; and 3) to contribute towards the advancement of GMA SHRM and the HR profession. The first step is for you to choose a submission option: you can pre-submit an article to GMA SHRM at any time for us to use in any of the upcoming newsletters, you can sign up to write for a particular month, or we can put you on a list of people to contact in future months whenever we need articles. Article length: Because the HR InTouch is now in an online format, the size is flexible. The article should be engaging and hold readers’ attention. Include the core information in your article, and we will advise if it is too lengthy. Solicitation: GMA SHRM is conscious not to allow solicitation through the articles, in an effort to protect the interests of our partners and members. The nature of the article should be educational (i.e., what are the business advantages of having a product like yours) or informational. Otherwise, if you truly are interested in advertising through the HR InTouch, you can work with our Marketing Committee. As a rule of thumb for article writing, if the submission relates to a for-profit event, or specifically markets your company (vs. your industry), it is an advertisement, and should be purchased. If it is a not-for-profit event that your company is hosting, or an announcement (i.e., a SHRM member recently joined your company), it is an acceptable addition to the HR InTouch content. If you have any questions related to the appropriateness of your submission, please contact us. If you have questions, or to submit an article, contact GMA SHRM at chapteradmin@gmashrm.org .