HR InTouchThe Monthly Newsletter of the Greater Madison Area SHRM |
In This EditionPresident's Message By Melissa Versnik GMA SHRM President Government Affairs Updates to Procedures and Policies Madison State Legislative Conference Advocacy Opportunity - Wisconsin FMLA Compensation and Benefits Smart PTO Policies Can Pay Off For Employers Diversity University Fundraiser Loses Equal Pay Claim but has Retaliation Case Community Events Employers, LaFollette High School is Looking for Internship Opportunities GMA SHRM Social Media Our Member Directory is Now Mobile Friendly! GMA SHRM Upcoming Events
May 14, 2013 Click here to see the full 2013 GMA SHRM Event Calendar. GMA SHRM Announcements Volunteers Needed - PHR/SPHR Study Group Nominations Accepted for 2013 WISHRM Workplace Diversity & Inclusion Award!
GMA SHRM Member News
![]() Greetings, I know I said last month that I had hoped spring would be here by the time you were reading this (insert foot in mouth), but this month I really mean it! I think we are all ready for a little sunshine and warmer weather! Even if sunny skies and warm weather isn’t a sure thing, you can count on our 8th ![]() Annual Human Capital Conference being a spectacular day of programming! The conference committee is working hard and has secured an amazing line-up of speakers as usual. Early registration rates are still available so register now! Speaking of conferences, recently GMA SHRM was host to the WI SHRM Legislative Conference at the Alliant Energy Center. GMA SHRM worked hand in hand with WI SHRM to bring attendees a full day of programming including local politicians, government agency officials and attorneys. Through their great marketing efforts and strong programming, our Government Affairs committee was able to double the attendance from the last time Madison hosted this event. Reviews from attendees further confirmed what a success the day was: "The legislative conference was a great update of legal and business issues that HR Professionals need to know. Kudos to the organizing committee for bringing in speakers who touched on the legal and business sides of healthcare reform, changing demographics and how WI government can help connect workers and businesses, and lastly, discussions with legislators who provided insight into how HR professionals can stay aware and help shape new employment laws." "I would strongly recommend this conference to others. I look forward to next year's conference."
"This is a can't miss for me; always like to hear what's going on out there." Many thanks go out to Tammy Barden and her committee for all their work in making this event such a success. Hope to see you all at the GMA SHRM Human Capital Conference!
Think spring!
Melissa Versnik
GMA SHRM Board of Directors
Being well within the New Year, many of us are preparing to review and make changes to our procedures and policies. Most everyone should be making changes to their background check policies with all of the rulings affecting their use that occurred in 2012. Already regulated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act background checks are now also under the scrutiny of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Below are five tips published in November by the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS) that you should keep in mind when constructing your policies or changing your procedures.
Madison State Legislative Conference The Wisconsin SHRM State Council and GMA SHRM partnered to provide a Legislative Conference in Madison on April 4, 2013. The event was well attended with over 70 HR professionals and provided an opportunity to learn about current legislation and legal updates. Mark Goldstein, our State SHRM Legislative Director, set up the day nicely when he spoke about current legislative updates and how to be involved with the SHRM A-Team for advocacy. For more information regarding advocacy opportunities, you may contact Tammy Barden at We also had speaker, James Wood, to share information from the Be Bold initiative, research about how to grow Wisconsin’s talent pool. His presentation provided some powerful data and explained their mission to close the skills gap. There were two legislators at the event, Senator Thomas Tiffany and Representative Amy Loudenbeck. They both spoke about Wisconsin Fast Forward, an enhanced labor to market information system available for employers and employees to help match up job skills and open positions/needs of employers. They also shared information about possible changes happening with unemployment. The Conference also included a very informative, detailed overview on the Affordable Care Act from Bobbi Honesty and updates from the National Labor Relations Board provided by one of their attorneys, Rachel Centinario. Last but not least, Bob Gregg provided an engaging legal overview that provided lots of real life cases. He kept attendees informed and entertained at the same time. Stay tuned for SHRM Legislative Conferences next year that will be held in various parts of the state.
Advocacy Opportunity - Wisconsin FMLA
At the State Legislative Conference, there was some discussion regarding possible legislation to conform Wisconsin FMLA to the federal regulations. For anyone interested in learning more about this or how to get involved with advocacy efforts, contact Tammy Barden at for more information. There is a survey available that anyone interested can complete to share their thoughts and opinions. There will also be opportunities in the near future to make your voice heard when this proposal goes to hearing.
Under Wisconsin law, employers must generally pay out any accrued and unused vacation pay/paid time off (“PTO”) at the time of an employee’s separation. However, employers may avoid doing so where they have a written policy to the contrary. As a result, it makes sense for every Wisconsin employer to develop a written PTO policy that allows them to withhold PTO in some or all circumstances at termination. Note that many policies require separating employees to leave their employment in a professional manner in order to receive a PTO payout. For example, some state that an employee will receive a PTO payout only if he or she provides two weeks’ notice before resigning. Other policies state that an employee will receive a PTO payout only if he or she is not terminated for cause (with cause being determined in the employer’s sole discretion). Because employers have a great deal of flexibility on this issue, the key is to think strategically and determine what works best with respect to your business’ specific circumstances.
University fundraiser loses equal pay claim but has retaliation case A female fundraiser complained that women were paid less than men for the same job and for raising approximately the same amount of funding for the school. After the complaint, she was allegedly told that she was "young, newly married and in childbearing years" and would be a "liability" because she might be out of work due to children. When she persisted in her equal pay complaint, her director allegedly stated she should "stop pursuing the issue or it could ruin her career;" and if she wanted to keep her job, she needed to "become invisible and stay off the radar." She left the university and, along with two other female fundraisers, sued for pay discrimination and retaliation. The university won the equal pay case. It presented evidence of non-gender reasons for pay differences, such as many more years of seniority and experience for the male employees. However, the court found the retaliation case to be valid. Threatening a career is "a materially adverse action" which would dissuade a person from exercising their legal rights to raise and pursue concerns about discrimination and could motivate them to leave employment.
Maron v. VPI and State University (4th Cir., 2013).
Community Events Employers, LaFollette High School is Looking for Internship Opportunities
The internship is designed for upperclassmen (juniors and seniors) who have expressed interest in pursuing a specific career. Previous, current, and upcoming placements include positions in accounting, finance, marketing, sports marketing, retail marketing, administration, graphic arts, information technology, engineering, nursing, veterinary medicine, social work, construction, police science, and journalism to name a few. In the end, we welcome and encourage all students to apply regardless of their career interest.
The internship program allows La Follette students the opportunity to gain invaluable, practical, and career-related work experience by applying classroom learning to an on-the-job setting. Students also earn high school credit and, in most cases, an hourly wage. In addition, students are also eligible to apply for one of three Career Internship scholarships, which are exclusive to La Follette Career Internship students. There is one $4,000 and two $2,000 scholarships awarded annually!
The two major components of the internship include classroom instruction coupled with on-the-job work experience. In terms of the classroom component, general work-related topics such as (but not limited to) cover letters, resumes, soft skill development, networking, goal setting, conflict resolution, and communication and leadership skills are discussed.
With regard to the actual internship placement and experience, students are expected to attend class daily and meet and/or exceed employer job performance expectations. They are also responsible for providing their own means of reliable transportation. Additionally, all Career Internship students have early release (2:00 or 2:45) from the normal school day in order to work at their placement site.
Below is a complete list of La Follette’s pre-placement requirements. It is important to note that not all students who apply for the internship class are accepted. This screening process is beneficial to employers in terms of knowing students who do qualify must meet or exceed La Follette’s internal expectations.
Program requirements:
If you have any additional questions or are in need of additional information, please feel free to contact Darrin Graham. He can be reached by telephone at 608.204.3570 or via e-mail at GMA SHRM Social Media
Wish you could stay connected with GMA SHRM members? Now you can search for a member, call, e-mail or find directions to their listed location and be confident that it’s up to date. Check it out today, you can now stay better connected to GMA SHRM members and it’s just a click away at
Forward HR Want to know what’s going on in HR for the other areas of Wisconsin? WI SHRM has a new blog, Forward HR. Click here to take a look. Tuesday, May 14, 2013, GMA SHRM Human Capital Conference
GMA SHRM is excited to announce our 8th Annual Human Capital Conference will be held Tuesday, May 14, 2013 at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, WI. So many changes are impacting our profession and workplace; new rules and new approaches. This year our conference committee thought it appropriate that our theme reflect how we are doing things differently and how we are redefining HR. Thus our theme for 2013: Game Changing HR. The featured keynote presenters for this years conference are nationally-recognized speakers. Nicole Price and Jason Lauritsen are set to deliver two outstanding keynotes. As our morning keynote, Jason asks the question, "Are we effectively managing our talent?" in his keynote The Evolution of Talent Management. Nicole Price tells us how we as leaders can bring peace, sanity and results back to the workplace in her afternoon keynote Reality Based Leadership: Ditch the Drama, Restore Sanity to the Workplace and Turn Excuses into Results. Also, don't miss your chance to win the new Apple iPad! The prize sponsored by Adecco will be given away to one attendee at the post event reception sponsored by Delta Dental. Our 2010, 2011 and 2012 Conferences each drew more than 200 human resource professionals. Please join us! Click here to learn more and register now. Return to Top
June 5, 2013 – GMA SHRM Roundtable
If you’ve used or have been thinking about using an employee assessment tool in your organization come to the HR Roundtable discussion on June 5, 2013. Attendees will share their experiences focusing on what assessment tools are available in the market; how certain assessments should and more importantly how they shouldn’t be used. The Roundtable will also address how to prepare for the assessment process and how to use the data that is collected.
For more information about this event and to register click here.
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June 18, 2013 - GMA SHRM Strategic Summit While full implementation of the ACA won't happen until next year, employers need to act now to get ready for 2014 and beyond. If your business sponsors a calendar-year plan you may have less time than you think. Employers need to assess the ACA requirements for 2013 and 2014 and their economic impact. This includes budgeting for the comparative effectiveness research fee and the transitional exchange reinsurance fee. Fully insured plans should also take the looming health insurance industry fee into account. Employers need to decide if they want to use the IRS' Look Back Safe Harbor or actually count full time employees on a monthly basis once the employer coverage mandate goes into effect. The ACA employer record keeping and reporting requirements will put new demands on HRIS systems and mean more coordination with payroll providers. Creating a Safe Harbor plan design will allow employers to avoid penalties under the employer coverage mandate. This means being able to offer coverage to full time employees and knowing who is and isn't full time under the ACA rules. You will also need to meet the 60% minimum economic coverage requirement and the affordability safe harbor . Changes to fully-insured underwriting rules in 2014 may well create self-funding opportunities for smaller employers to manage cost and maximize flexibility. Again act now to be ready for next year. Increased wellness incentives of up to 50% of the cost of coverage will create new opportunities for integrated wellness programs. Wellness is one of the best tools remaining in the employer's toolbox under the ACA and will be crucial for employers to control medical trend increases going forward. The looming Cadillac Tax in 2018 will affect employers who fail to act now the hardest. The cost of doing nothing will be highest for those who fail to get ready for 2014 and beyond. Click here for more program information and to register. Return to Top Volunteers Needed - PHR/SPHR Study Group
Each year GMA SHRM offers a study group for those preparing for the PHR or SPHR certifications. This year the meetings are focusing on open discussion/dialogues for participants on topics in any of the modules as well as test taking skills. We are looking for someone who is willing to facilitate a study group this spring for those preparing to take the certification test during the spring testing window. The facilitator helps group participants to understand the answer to a question, reviews test preparation questions and is available as a resource for the participants.
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Nominations Are Now Being Accepted for the WISHRM 2013 Workplace Diversity & Inclusion Award! It’s not too early to start thinking about nominations for the WISHRM 2013 Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Award!
Does your organization stand out from your peers when it comes to diversity and inclusion initiatives? Do you know of an organization that is a true advocate in your community when it comes to diversity and inclusion? Do you view your organizational culture as diverse and inclusive in all aspects of your business and daily routines?
If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions, then now is the time to start thinking about recognizing your organization or another organization in the community for the 2013 Diversity and Inclusion Award. The Award will be presented at the Wisconsin State SHRM Conference in October.
More information on eligibility and the nomination process will follow.
Nominations are due Friday, July 19, 2013.
Industry Liaison Group
There is a new opportunity in Madison for employers who are federal contractors or who voluntarily provide an affirmative action plan. A group of our members have joined with a former President of the Milwaukee SHRM chapter to form an Industry Liaison Group (ILG). One question you might have is this: What is an Industry Liaison Group? ILGs provide an opportunity for companies and others to meet with representatives of regulatory agencies (most often the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs [OFCCP] and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission[EEOC]) in an informal setting so that there can be a dialogue between the parties. ILG meetings are, in effect, a learning opportunity for companies AND a learning opportunity for the regulatory agencies. ILGs operate in many different ways in the various geographic areas that they serve, but their primary purpose is to help build a bridge between organizations and regulatory agencies so that there is an effective flow of information between the two groups. Meetings with the Madison group are held quarterly. A typical meeting may include speakers from the state speaking about opportunities to employ veterans, the local OFCCP director, or even representatives from the EEOC to talk about their new focus on arrest and conviction records as well as the push to employ ex-offenders. It should be noted that the ILG is not a marketing opportunity for organizations. This is truly meant to be an educational opportunity and chance to build a relationship with these agencies.
In summary:
• The Madison ILG has the potential to be a valuable service to GMA SHRM members
The next meeting will be held June 14, 2013 at Promega’s BioPharmaceutical Technology Center (address below). GMASHRM members who are interested in participating may contact Sally Buzdum at or Bill Osterndorf at 414.525.1972, ext. 202 or
Details for the June 14, 2013 meeting are as follows:
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GMA SHRM Member Spotlight
Where do you currently work?
What is the focus of your position?
Everything HR! Serving the Suttle-Straus team and adding value in many different areas. My small, but very effective, team handles payroll, safety, and facilities. I cover employee relations, recruitment & retention, training & development, recognition, benefits, wellness, compliance and company events. I am also a member of the executive team, so I work on business and strategic planning, continuous improvement initiatives, and whatever else comes our way.
How long have you been in the Human Resource field?
Which of your career accomplishments makes you proudest?
Managing the various HR functions at Suttle-Straus, working with our great team to continually make improvements, and having that recognized by Printing Industries of America as a Best of the Best Workplaces in the Americas award recipient.
What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
A former boss used to quote James H. Austin: “Chance favors those in motion.”
Why did you decide to join GMA SHRM?
GMA SHRM is a great professional organization that provides a lot of value in terms of education, service and networking. I enjoy attending events and interacting with other members.
If you’d like to be published in an issue of HR InTouch, please complete this profile and submit (along with a photo) to Tia Gibson @
GMA SHRM Volunteer Spotlight
How long have you been volunteering with GMA SHRM?
What committee are you volunteering with? Have you volunteered on other committees? If yes, which one?
Workforce Readiness – since its inception!
What do you enjoy about volunteering?
What would you say to others who are considering volunteering with GMA SHRM?
There are multiple programs within GMA SHRM to fit your volunteer interests with different commitment levels to fit your schedule. You also get to collaborate with a great group of HR individuals!
What have you gotten back from volunteering with GMA SHRM?
Welcome New Members!GMA SHRM welcomes the following members who joined our chapter in March 2013!
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Movin' UpHave you started with a new company? Has your organization recently promoted you to a new position? Or do you want to recognize a new person or promotion within your department? If so, we want to hear about it. Send us an e-mail, and we’ll publish your good news in the next HR InTouch! In TransitionIf you are a member who is in between jobs, or who is currently employed but seeking new positions or career paths, write us a brief description of your skill set, areas of expertise, what you’re looking for, etc. Send us an e-mail. We’ll publish your information in the next HR InTouch. GMA SHRM Member PollDo you have a burning HR question that you’d like to see featured on our GMA SHRM Member Poll? If so, please submit your questions to Tara Conger at HR InTouch GuidelinesArticle Writing: Do you have an interest in writing for the HR InTouch? We have an interest in learning more about your area of expertise! Why should you volunteer? Top three reasons: 1) to share your knowledge and experiences to educate others; 2) to become more connected in the HR and Dane County communities; and 3) to contribute towards the advancement of GMA SHRM and the HR profession. The first step is for you to choose a submission option: you can pre-submit an article to GMA SHRM at any time for us to use in any of the upcoming newsletters, you can sign up to write for a particular month, or we can put you on a list of people to contact in future months whenever we need articles. Article length: Because the HR InTouch is now in an online format, the size is flexible. The article should be engaging and hold readers’ attention. Include the core information in your article, and we will advise if it is too lengthy. Solicitation: GMA SHRM is conscious not to allow solicitation through the articles, in an effort to protect the interests of our partners and members. The nature of the article should be educational (i.e., what are the business advantages of having a product like yours) or informational. Otherwise, if you truly are interested in advertising through the HR InTouch, you can work with our Marketing Committee. As a rule of thumb for article writing, if the submission relates to a for-profit event, or specifically markets your company (vs. your industry), it is an advertisement, and should be purchased. If it is a not-for-profit event that your company is hosting, or an announcement (i.e., a SHRM member recently joined your company), it is an acceptable addition to the HR InTouch content. If you have any questions related to the appropriateness of your submission, please contact us. If you have questions, or to submit an article, contact GMA SHRM at .