January 2018 |
HR InTouchThe Monthly Newsletter of the Greater Madison Area SHRM |
In This EditionPresident's Message Government Affairs & Legal Updates National SHRM Government Affairs A-Team Update – December, 2017 Compensation & Benefits The 2017 GMA SHRM Compensation Survey Professional Development January Professional Development Summit - Recruiting in a Competitive LandscapeAdd Members’ HR Advice Networks to your 2018 Calendar SHRM Certification Scholarships
GMA SHRM Media Relations
Recruiting in a Competive Environment View the 2018 Calendar of Events! GMA SHRM Member News Spotlights Welcome New Members!
Greetings GMA SHRM Members –
Click here to view the full GMA SHRM Board of Directors
Government Affairs & Legal Updates National SHRM Government Affairs A-Team Update – December, 2017Submitted by: SHRM Government Affairs As December 2017 comes to a close, we wanted to draw your attention to some recent accomplishments that were a direct result of A-Team efforts to advocate for HR issues on Capitol Hill.
Both chambers have now passed H.R. 1 and the legislation is being considered by President Donald Trump, who has said he will sign the bill (NOTE: This was signed by the President on 12/22/17). The accomplishments mentioned above could not have been achieved without the tireless efforts of the SHRM A-Team. We wanted to share with you a few highlights - or "Rock-Star" moments - from the past few months. The A-Team was directly responsible for:
We realize you all have very busy day jobs and other commitments, so we appreciate you dedicating time and effort to reach out to your Members of Congress and discuss the implications of workplace policy proposals. We look forward to continuing this great work with you all in 2018 to advance SHRM's workplace agenda and be the voice of HR in the halls of Congress and in statehouses across the nation.
The Employment Law Standardization Act Introduced in the Wisconsin State LegislatureSubmitted by: Jeff Palkowski, Director of Government Affairs GMA SHRM and SHRM Advocacy Captain (Wisconsin 1st CD)Members of the Wisconsin State Senate and State Assembly have introduced companion bills to establish statewide employment law standards by prohibiting local governments from enacting their own employment law restrictions on private employers. The law is similar to Wisconsin’s minimum wage and local sick leave preemption laws that are already in place. Senate Bill 634 and Assembly Bill 748 are being reviewed in committee within the respective houses. If passed, the act would address the following: 1. Prohibits Mandatory Labor Peace Agreements
As of this writing, the following groups have registered in support of the legislation: Schneider National, Inc.; Wisconsin Independent Businesses, Inc.; Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce; and the Wisconsin Restaurant Association. Groups registered in opposition include: AFSCME Wisconsin Council 32; League of Wisconsin Municipalities; Wisconsin Alliance for Women’s Health, Inc.; and the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign. Labor Peace Agreements are used by municipalities across the country to force employers to relinquish their rights regarding union organizing granted under the National Labor Relations Act. Under these agreements, if employers do not agree to certain union demands, they may risk not receiving a permit or license necessary to operate. This bill prohibits local units of government and the state from mandating Labor Peace Agreements, but still allows willing parties to utilize them. 2. Restricts local governments from creating duplicative occupational licenses 2015 Act 65 prohibited local governments from creating any occupational licenses moving forward. This bill builds on that legislation by restricting the ability of local governments to enforce licensing requirements that are more stringent that state standards, thus ensuring that employees do not have to comply with duplicative rules and fees across the state. 3. Creates statewide uniform regulations for employment hours Around the nation, some cities have begun passing ordinances that interfere with private scheduling arrangements between an employee and employer. This bill sets a statewide standard for employee scheduling, hour and overtime regulations. 4. Creates statewide uniform regulations for employee benefits Employees and employers should have the ability to negotiate a compensation package free of government interference. This bill reaffirms the right for employees and employers to negotiate on items such as wage, retirement plans, insurance, and leave time without the intervention of local governments. 5. Gives employers the right to ask salary information from prospective employees Employers often ask prospective employees their salary history in order to make an informed decision on hiring or compensation package. However, there is a nationwide push to prohibit employers from even asking this question. This bill would prohibit local governments from passing ordinances that bar this process. 6. Eliminates mandated pay scales for employers that contract with local governments Current law prohibits local governments from setting their own minimum wage ordinances, except for contractors doing business with that local unit of government. Many local governments have used this loophole to establish wages that are based on politics and not market demands, ultimately placing a greater burden on taxpayers and private employers. This bill eliminates this loophole. 7. Sets a statewide standard and prohibits local ordinances regarding wage claims If a worker believes they have not been paid earned wages, they currently have the ability to file a wage claim with the Department of Workforce Development or the Department of Labor. This bill reaffirms that process, but stating that local units of government cannot enact an ordinance that creates a separate wage claim process. 8. Creates a statewide standard for employment discrimination This bill sets the statewide standards for employment discrimination set in §111.321 to be the statewide standards that apply everywhere. Local governments are prohibited under the bill from setting their own employment discrimination ordinances. A public hearing for Senate Bill 634 is likely to be held on January 10, 2018 by the Senate Committee on Labor and Regulatory Reform. If anyone is interested in attending to provide testimony for or against this legislation, please visit the Wisconsin State Legislature web page for updates here: http://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2017/proposals/sb634 The GMASHRM Compensation SurveySubmitted by: Dana Denny, Director of Human Capital Conference CommitteeGMA-SHRM is pleased to announce the newly redeveloped and expanded biennial Madison Area Salary Survey. For many years, GMA-SHRM has produced one of the largest salary surveys in the state. The 2017 Annual Salary Survey included data from over 60 organizations reporting base pay and total compensation for approximately 200 job titles at all organizational levels, including manufacturing, administrative support, blue collar, technical, professional, and managerial positions. In today’s global economy, because it is even more critical to ensure your organization is spending it’s compensation dollars wisely, having current external labor market information is the best method to knowing and understanding your positions worth and the current trends to correctly target merit increase budgets and salary range movement. In addition, accurately comparing organizational data to your competitors within the Madison labor market can only strengthen your position for either recruitment or retention efforts. The GMA-SHRM Salary Survey is a great value! You will receive data on over 200 different positions from over 60 Madison, WI area public and private sector organizations. Job families included within the survey include: Accounting Engineering Health Care Information Technology Legal Manufacturing and Skilled Trades Purchasing Human Resources Banking and Insurance Finance 2017 Survey Pricing: GMA-SHRM Members who participated in the salary survey will receive a copy of the salary survey report for a discounted price of $300.00; GMA-SHRM Members who did not participate may purchase a copy of the salary survey report for $600.00. Click here for more information and to purchase. Professional Development January Professional Development Summit - Recruiting in a Competitive LandscapeJanuary 16, 2018 - Alliant Energy Center
For Session 2, if you are a Human Resources professional who is unsure of the effectiveness of your recruiting practices, this presentation will be one you don't want to miss. In this inspiring assembly of innovative HR Professionals you will hear from area recruiters who are using exciting tactics to find valuable talent. Add Members’ HR Advice Networks to your 2018 CalendarStart the New Year by attending an HR Roundtable Discussion!
Return to Top SHRM Certification ScholarshipsSubmitted by Clara Tavarez, Media Relations Committee Member
GMA SHRM Media Relations Did You Know?Submitted by: Brittany Hanson, Director of Media Relations Committee Forward HRWant to know what’s going on in HR for the other areas of Wisconsin? WI SHRM has a new blog, Forward HR. Click here to take a look.
GMA SHRM News & Upcoming Events January Professional Development Summit - Recruiting in a Competitive LandscapeJanuary 16, 2018 - Alliant Energy Center
For Session 2, if you are a Human Resources professional who is unsure of the effectiveness of your recruiting practices, this presentation will be one you don't want to miss. In this inspiring assembly of innovative HR Professionals you will hear from area recruiters who are using exciting tactics to find valuable talent.
View the 2018 Calendar of Events!Get out your calendars and save these dates now for the 2018 GMA SHRM Programming and Networking Calendar! GMA SHRM Member News Spotlights GMA SHRM Board of Directors Spotlight: What are the benefits of being a Board member?
Welcome New Members!GMA SHRM welcomes the following members who joined our chapter in November 2017!
Movin' Up In Transition
HR InTouch Guidelines Article Writing: Do you have an interest in writing for the HR InTouch? We have an interest in learning more about your area of expertise! Why should you volunteer? Top three reasons: 1) to share your knowledge and experiences to educate others; 2) to become more connected in the HR and Dane County communities; and 3) to contribute towards the advancement of GMA SHRM and the HR profession. The first step is for you to choose a submission option: you can pre-submit an article to GMA SHRM at any time for us to use in any of the upcoming newsletters, you can sign up to write for a particular month, or we can put you on a list of people to contact in future months whenever we need articles. Article length: Because the HR InTouch is now in an online format, the size is flexible. The article should be engaging and hold readers’ attention. Include the core information in your article, and we will advise if it is too lengthy. Solicitation: GMA SHRM is conscious not to allow solicitation through the articles, in an effort to protect the interests of our partners and members. The nature of the article should be educational (i.e., what are the business advantages of having a product like yours) or informational. Otherwise, if you truly are interested in advertising through the HR InTouch, you can work with our Marketing Committee. As a rule of thumb for article writing, if the submission relates to a for-profit event, or specifically markets your company (vs. your industry), it is an advertisement, and should be purchased. If it is a not-for-profit event that your company is hosting, or an announcement (i.e., a SHRM member recently joined your company), it is an acceptable addition to the HR InTouch content. If you have any questions related to the appropriateness of your submission, please contact us. If you have questions, or to submit an article, contact GMA SHRM at chapteradmin@gmashrm.org .