November 2010 |
HR InTouchThe Monthly Newsletter of the Greater Madison Area SHRM |
In This EditionPresident's Message
By Dave Furlan, PHR Government Affairs SHRM Advocacy Program Hosted by GMA SHRM Compensation & Benefits Health Care Reform: New Guidance Released, Lawsuits Move Forward Employee Relations Workplace Bullying – Part 1 of 2- What You Need To Know and Can Do To Address Learning & Development
Resources for Global HR Professionals Community News Advisory Committee Members Needed News & Announcements Wednesday, November 10, HR Roundtable - Challenges of being a Solo HR Practitioner Tuesday, November 16, GMA SHRM Government Affairs Summit - Topic: Unemployment Benefits: How to Make Your Case and Work with the DWD 2011 GMA SHRM Corporate Partnership Program GMASHRM Events Click here to see the full GMA SHRM Event Calendar.
There is so much exciting news and initiatives going on with our chapter and in the HR profession lately that I couldn’t bring myself to focus on one area this month. So, in bulleted format, here are some quick notes I want to pass on to all of you: • THANK YOU to our chapter administrator and volunteers from the Communications & Marketing Committee for the fantastic job on creating our new GMA SHRM website. We have received so much positive feedback on it already. We’ve also moved the new website look into other chapter communications such as the monthly newsletter and weekly e-blasts. I’m very impressed with how the volunteers on this project took the time to research other sites and metrics to come up with something that would be a great fit for our membership. “Effective Use of Technology” is one of our four strategic initiatives this year, so look for more enhancements in the coming months in this area.
• The Education and Professional Development Committee has been busy this year, notably in its relationship with our supported student chapters – UW-Madison, UW-Platteville, and UW-Whitewater. This year the student chapters have asked for our assistance with their programming events. In particular, they are looking for our ideas on programming topics and for speakers to present these topics at their chapter meetings and events. We have a small list of GMA SHRM members who have volunteered so far, but we could use more. I know many of you have outstanding knowledge on a variety of HR topics that would be a great asset to share with student chapters. If you’re interested, contact Robyn Berth at As we head toward a new year with plans for our organization and professional careers, I have no doubt that the many things going on at GMA SHRM will continue to provide value to all of our members. Look for more updates not only on our website but in the many other chapter communications and events taking place throughout the year. To your continued success,
Dave Furlan, PHR
GMA SHRM Board of Directors
SHRM Advocacy Program Hosted by GMA SHRM The Government Affairs Committee is excited to announce that David Lusk, Senior Associate, Member Advocacy with SHRM Headquarters will be presenting a program in Madison on November 16th. The program titled SHRM Advocacy Team: Shaping HR Public Policy, will be held immediately following our regularly scheduled November GMA SHRM Summit. The SHRM Advocacy Team program is preapproved for 1 hour of Strategic Credit by HRCI.
Click here for more information on the November 16th SHRM Advocacy Team: Shaping HR Public Policy presentation.
The 2010 GMA SHRM Benefits Survey is now available for purchase. This comprehensive survey is conducted every two years. The 2010 data was collected between May and July of this year. An amazing 64 Madison area businesses participated in the survey.
The 2010 Benefits Survey provides data on how Dane County employers are building and customizing their benefit packages. The survey questions cover wellness and reward programs, PTO programs, and traditional benefits such as medical and dental.
Findings for the 2010 Benefits Survey include:
The results were compiled from survey questions developed by enetrix, a Gallup company, and distributed to companies in all business classifications. Businesses and organizations interested in purchasing the survey may do so by visiting
Health Care Reform: New Guidance Released, Lawsuits Move Forward A number of governmental agencies have released new guidance for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). The various lawsuits brought against the federal government continue to move forward.
IRS Makes W-2 Reporting Optional for 2011
Survivor Guilt With the massive reductions in force in recent years, companies, and their HR professionals, are seeing a greatly increased incidence of survivor guilt within their workforce. Survivor guilt follows any experience in which friends and loved ones have suffered trauma that the survivor could also have experienced. Survivors often feel they let their loved ones down and are unworthy of having survived. Surviving employees are likely to have the following thoughts, emotions, and experiences:
Sue, who works as a customer service representative for an insurance company, is “asked” by her supervisor in the open Customer Service work area, “Why can’t you answer as many calls per hour as Nick?! You’ll never make it here if you don’t pick it up!” Fernando, who works as a CAD designer in an architectural design firm, is told by the Art Director, “I can’t believe you made that same error again! What am I supposed to do with someone like you!? Can’t you get it?!!” Lucy, who is an experienced Assembler in a durable-goods manufacturing plant, is “coached” by her new supervisor with “C’mon, Lucy Goosey, keep up with the big boys on your team or you’ll be pushing a broom in the warehouse!” Direct, constructive coaching or workplace bullying? To the employees involved and to an outside observer, it is usually pretty clear when bullying occurs. Bullying is a major problem in workplaces all over the world. A recent study estimated that approximately one in six U.S. workers had directly experienced bullying within the previous year.
Click here for full article.
GMA SHRM Student Scholarships The Greater Madison Area Society for Human Resource Management (GMA SHRM) has established a student scholarship program to encourage the continual pursuit of an education in the human resource field. Two nonrenewable $750 student scholarships will be awarded this year to students from our affiliated student membership chapters at UW-Madison, UW-Whitewater, and UW-Platteville. Applications are due December 3, 2010 and scholarships will apply to the Spring semester. Click here to learn more about eligibility requirements and application instructions.
Resources for Global HR Professionals Many HR professionals must not only administer HR functions in the United States, but in other countries as well. Working with employees in other countries requires knowledge of international and country-specific laws, new terminology and sometimes a different approach than the American management’s approach to the employee-employer relationship. Besides all the wonderful information located on the website, the following resources will help you gain more general Global HR knowledge and handle day-to-day international HR issues:
Click here for further information and resources. Community Events Thank You Volunteers! On Tuesday, October 12th, the UW-Madison Student SHRM Chapter hosted a "We Need to Talk" Event on campus. HR Professionals from the local GMA SHRM chapter volunteered their time to facilitate different scenarios that students might encounter during their careers. The volunteers were Kris Schmitt, Samantha Pegelow, Diane Mosley, Wendy Brendel, Trevor Nagle, Paul Kotz, and Sara Broge. The students were able to discuss scenarios such as interoffice relationships, missing supplies, and smoking. Both students and professionals saw the evening as a beneficial learning experience as well as a great opportunity to network. The student chapter hopes to host this event again in the future. Thank you to all the volunteers! If you are interested in volunteering for future events, please contact Sara Broge at to be placed on the volunteer list. Advisory Committee Members Needed Upper Iowa University in Madison is currently seeking additional Advisory Committee members. They meet quarterly, and the next Committee Meeting is slated for 11:30 a.m. on November 3rd at the Upper Iowa University campus located at 4601 Hammersley Rd. The Committee provides valuable input, and recommendations to strengthen existing degree and Certificate programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The Committee consists of a broad range of professionals across the Madison region from various small, medium, and large businesses, the VA Hospital, Madison College, and the City of Madison. They are looking for creative, high-energy professionals who can provide concrete ideas on desirable employee skill sets in today’s marketplace, new curricula needed, and employment trends. If interested, please contact:
Mr. Alan Capelle, Director
Wednesday, November 10, 2010, HR Roundtable - Challenges of being a Solo HR PractitionerWould you like to meet other solo HR practitioners to discuss your challenges and share ideas and solutions? November’s HR Roundtable provides an opportunity explore some of the unique challenges and opportunities presented by being an HR office of one. This session will provide solo HR practitioners with the opportunity to discuss specific topics and issues and encourage sharing of knowledge, ideas, strategies, lessons-learned, as well as practical tips, tools, and techniques. At times it may not be the most time-efficient for a solo HR practitioner to re-invent the wheel when working on projects/strategies. This is where colleagues can glean from their peers on best practices that work for their companies and this is one of our objectives for this Roundtable. To learn more about the event or to register, click here
Tuesday, November 16, 2010, GMA SHRM Government Affairs Summit
Mayra Archella-Barton, SPHR
Coworker Services Business Partner
Cheri Brenton
Administrative & HR Assistant
National Mutual Benefit
Tony Callahan
Account Executive
Jane Clark
Chief Operating Officer
QTI Human Resources, Inc.
Rebecca Jeglum
Staffing Assistant
UW Hospitals & Clinics
Tamika Jones
Staffing Specialist
American Family Insurance
Murl MacKinnon
Community Liaison
Kari Nichols
HR Manager
Gorman & Company
Lynette Raether
HR & Payroll Administrator
5N Plus
Amy Scherer
HR Manager
St. Mary’s Hospital
Dana Senn
St. IT Recruiting Consultant
The QTI Group
Angela Wittman, PHR
Regional Account Executive
QPS Employment Group
Have you started with a new company? Has your organization recently promoted you to a new position? Or do you want to recognize a new person or promotion within your department? If so, we want to hear about it. Send us an e-mail, and we’ll publish your good news in the next HR InTouch!
If you are a member who is in between jobs, or who is currently employed but seeking new positions or career paths, write us a brief description of your skill set, areas of expertise, what you’re looking for, etc. Send us an e-mail. We’ll publish your information in the next HR InTouch.
What’s going on in HR in your workplace?
Have you…
Is there something…
We want to hear about it! Share it with your HR colleagues in HR InTouch. Send us an e-mail
Article Writing:
Do you have an interest in writing for the HR InTouch? We have an interest in learning more about your area of expertise!
Why should you volunteer? Top three reasons: 1) to share your knowledge and experiences to educate others; 2) to become more connected in the HR and Dane County communities; and 3) to contribute towards the advancement of GMA SHRM and the HR profession.
The first step is for you to choose a submission option: you can pre-submit an article to GMA SHRM at any time for us to use in any of the upcoming newsletters, you can sign up to write for a particular month, or we can put you on a list of people to contact in future months whenever we need articles.
Article length:
Because the HR InTouch is now in an online format, the size is flexible. The article should be engaging and hold readers’ attention. Include the core information in your article, and we will advise if it is too lengthy.
GMA SHRM is conscious not to allow solicitation through the articles, in an effort to protect the interests of our partners and members. The nature of the article should be educational (i.e., what are the business advantages of having a product like yours) or informational. Otherwise, if you truly are interested in advertising through the HR InTouch, you can work with our Marketing Committee. As a rule of thumb for article writing, if the submission relates to a for-profit event, or specifically markets your company (vs. your industry), it is an advertisement, and should be purchased. If it is a not-for-profit event that your company is hosting, or an announcement (i.e., a SHRM member recently joined your company), it is an acceptable addition to the HR InTouch content. If you have any questions related to the appropriateness of your submission, please contact us.
If you have questions, or to submit an article, contact GMA SHRM at .